PQQ, Pyrrolpquinoline-Quinone? Wow, that’s a mouthful for sure. Don’t worry, though, I won’t throw that word at you again; we’ll just settle for PQQ.

So what is PQQ?

Well, for our purposes, PQQ is a supplement derived mainly from plants like Natto, peppers, kiwi, parsley, tea, papaya, spinach, and celery. Plants absorb it from bacteria in the soil.

PQQ is a natural antioxidant, but there’s more to it than that. The thing I want to focus on in this newsletter is mitochondriogenesis. Yes, that’s a big word that simply means the creation and growth of mitochondria, your cell’s power sources.

PQQ comes mostly from vegetables. Another reason to eat your veggies.

Here’s one more reason to eat your veggies.

PQQ is mainly found in vegetables and some bacteria living in soil.

Although it does many other things, PQQ is best known for creating new mitochondria in cells.

Mitochondria are the little bubbles in cells that create energy via the citric acid cycle (also known as the Krebs cycle).


Schematic picture of a mitochondria

This is a schematic drawing of a single mitochondrion. These little bubbles inside your cells love PQQ, and produce energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) via the electron transport chain.

This “chain” is a complex process. I won’t go into it, but here is a link if you want to know more. Let’s say that it creates energy by making ATP via the Krebs cycle. (Also known as the citric acid cycle).

All human cells have mitochondria. However, cells requiring a lot of energy are loaded with them. Cardiac muscle cells are probably the best example of this. (This is one reason PQQ is thought to be heart-healthy.)

Ok, that’s it; mitochondria make energy from the foods we eat after they’re processed (digested).

So, the next question is, where do mitochondria come from?

Answer: other mitochondria. These little organelles simply divide from a single mitochondrion into two by a process called mitochondrial fission. They can also do the opposite (fusion), but I want to keep this as simple as possible, so I will just stick with fission.

Now, understanding what mitochondria are, what they do, and how they come about, we’re getting close to where PQQ fits into the picture.

PQQ and mitochondrial genesis:

PQQ Induces Nuclear Respiratory Factor Activation 

“Because nuclear respiratory factors are known to be key regulators of mitochondrial function we investigated whether PQQ exposure leads to increased activation of these transcription factors.”

Short answer, it does. The above link explains this, but unless you relate to biochemistry really well, I will say this in plain English: The cell’s nucleus want’s more respiratory power which requires additional mitochondria. So the neculeus sends out internal chemical signals to create more mitochondria (more energy) and PQQ responds.

Thus, new mitochondria.

It you peruse the article I linked, you will see that this process is rather complex.


PQQ is like a nursemaid to mitochondria, helping with their birth and guiding them as they mature. Now, one could also say that PQQ makes the whole mitochondrial journey easier. That’s why taking a PQQ supplement can help build cellular energy and your overall energy.

As I said at the beginning of this newsletter, PQQ does many things that promote health and longevity. It’s not only about mitochondrial support.

Here is an easy-to-read article that outlines the power of PQQ. It gives you many reasons why you might want to take it as a supplement.

I do take PQQ myself and have for some time. This, however, is not a reason you should. Study the materials I have given you and do your own research. Do this and make the best decision for yourself.


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