I purposely designed my blog to be simple and user-friendly. I love simple, so I’ll review the site’s features one at a time.

This website usually opens with a chronological listing of my posts, with the newest one on top.

You can return to the Home page from anywhere on this site by clicking on the always-present PLANNED LONGEVITY™ title at the top left side of your screen. The Home page has my Avatar at the bottom left side of the page. This is an identifier only found on my home page. You’re not on the home page if you don’t see my Avatar.


The right side of the webpage is where articles go. The page will scroll indefinitely, so you don’t have to deal with page breaks. Navigation on this page is straightforward.

Posts are listed in chronological order, with the newest one on top. Above the post’s title on the left-hand side is a word representing a post’s category. If you click on this word, all posts in this category will appear. Every post has this category identifier.

For example, If a post has the word “Technology Toolbox” over its title, clicking on “Technology Toolbox” will bring up all posts in the “Technology Toolbox” category and explain the category itself.

The footer has required documents that you can read if you want. You can also contact me if you want (this is not a sign-up page).

There is also a form inviting you to sign up to get an email whenever I post a newsletter article. This form only requires your email address.

The left-hand side of my page is full of links:

There is a lot of information here, and I change it as needed.

Anytime you are lost, you can return to my home page by clicking on PLANNED LONGEVITY™ in the upper left-hand corner. My Avitar will appear on the bottom left-hand side.

A Word About Posting:

Writing newsletters is my most important tool to get the description and justification for OMYism in your hands. Newsletters are my product, and OMY is my brand. I will always ask for feedback and comments on my posts because this is how I improve my product and my visitor’s experience.