Know Your Biological Age and Plan Your Longevity
Biological age? What does it mean, and how do you find yours? We’re going to look into that from two perspectives.
First, we will look at chronological age and how it affects you, your healthcare, and your lifestyle. Remember, the world and everything in it know only your chronological age. This is an arbitrary number based on the day you were born. But still, it determines a lot of what happens in your life. I will call this chron-age something you had no control over and can’t do anything about,
Second, we’ll consider your biological age, what I will also call your real-age. This is not an arbitrary number. Instead, it is based on your lifestyle and, to a lesser extent, your genetics. And contrary to cron-age, you have a great deal of control over your real-age. Far more than you think.
Note, if you haven’t already read the full description of Planned Longevity™, you can read it here.
Chronological Age:

Don’t Be a Statistic – Plan Your Longevity – Fight Back and Beat the Odds
Chron age is what you’re stuck with until you die. Along with this, you’re stuck with society’s automatic assumptions about you as you progress through life’s stages. Here they are:
Birth to Maturity, O-20
In this period, you are expected to grow up according to society’s schedule. Schooling yourself and learning to integrate with others and become civilized. You are expected to be moderately educated in the three “R”s. And you’re also to understand the yesses, nos, and maybes of your culture. Basically, you’re in training, and everybody, to a greater or lesser extent, gets the same treatment.
Birthing and Rearing, 20-50
The most important task of the human race is replacing itself and maybe adding a little extra. So during these years, you are expected to make babies and rear them into adulthood. In America, for example, women are expected to birth 2.1 babies each just to maintain the population. Anything above this rate would increase the population. (This rate is different for different cultures and places)
Making and rearing babies takes a lot of money. In 2023 America, it cost $300,00.00 (and growing) to rear a child from birth through high school (17 years). If you plan to send them through college, you can probably double this amount (depending on where they go).
So, in addition to raisin’ and rearin’ your kids, you need to get a job fast and start your career.
All of these things take about 25 to 30 years.
The Fun Years, 50-70
This is when you’re free to live your own life and can do whatever you please. You got a good job, your house is paid for, and you have time to spoil your grandkids. Even better, you can send ’em back home to their mother when they’ve worn you out. Yes, life is good through these years.
But there’s another process sneaking along in here. By age 50, your body starts slowing down. Things stop working so well – certainly not like they did in the “first 50.” And in some cases, the real trouble starts.
Things like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer start popping up in your circle of friends and maybe even in you.
Still, most of you will make it through the Fun Years. Limping a little towards the end, maybe, but still waking up every morning.
Dying Years, 70 and over.
You realize now that your life will be over soon. And so what, you say? You feel like crap all the time, anyway. Lots of your friends have already died, and you feel the Reaper is near, hanging around outside your front door.
Chances are, you’ve got some health problems. Type II diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, hardening of the arteries, and maybe even cancer. Lots of other things might be there as well.
Maybe you see four or five doctors and take a dozen different meds. Things are slowly eroding.
Nobody says it, but your medical bills are costing taxpayers a fortune. You’re not working or contributing your skills and knowledge. And the worst thing of all, you’re not paying income taxes either.
So, according to society’s expectations for people like you, you need to die, and the sooner, the better.
OK, What Now?
Well, this is the classic flow model of a chronological age framework. (In the US and most of the Western world). And because of our acculturation, we all agree with it. I’m telling you, though, in biological age frameworks, it will be quite different.
Let’s look at the following:
Where to start?
It would be best to start managing our biological age right from the beginning. One can say that when we are born, living in the outside world begins. It can also be said that from this point forward, we start a series of events leading to our death. So, in addition to starting living, we start dying as well. The difference between these two points is our lifespan. The healthy years in our lifespan are our healthspan, and our working years are called our workspan.
These periods of time can be short or long. Much of this is determined by three things: Fate, Genetics, and Lifestyle. Fate (tragedy) is an interesting concept, and philosophers have debated it throughout history. For the most part, fate, by definition, is beyond our control. Yet, for some of us, it is how life ends.
I won’t spend any more time on fate because there’s nothing we can do about it. Genetics, on the other hand, is coming more under our control. Genetic manipulation (along with other things) is in the Technology toolbox of Planned Longevity™.
Over time, this box will fill up with real life-extending advances you can use.
Here are three toolboxes you can use starting today:
Diet, exercise, and supplementation each occupy their own toolbox in Planned longevity™s four toolboxes. These three boxes are well under our control. Each toolbox has a substantial impact on our longevity and our “spans.” Managing the tools in all three boxes allows us to extend our biological age and not just become a statistic.
Biological age is our real age, and it, not our chronological age, determines how long we live. (Fate and genetics aside). It also determines the length of our Spans.
The Aging Myth:
“Aging is inevitable and beyond our control.” This often repeated belief is simply not true – it is a myth. Yes, chronological aging is inevitable and beyond our control, but biological aging is neither of these. If we are otherwise reasonably healthy, we can, by our own choice, extend or shorten our real lives.
The best news is that biological aging is almost 90% lifestyle. Lifestyle guidance and other tools are in the three ready-to-use toolboxes. We have lots of control over our real age by deploying these tools. These three toolboxes are designed to implement and complement Planned Longevity™. The sooner in life you get started using them, the better.
And there’s even more good news: It’s never too late or too early to start. At any point in your chronological age journey, you can start planning your longevity.
Before starting this planning, we must do something: let’s get a rough idea of where we stand right now.
I will give you a link to a simple questionnaire that will estimate your biological age. This is free, and It will give you an initial Point “A” to work with.
Now this test asks you questions, and the result (your biological age) is a number based primarily on your past and present lifestyle. Nobody will have this number but you and whomever you tell, so be honest with yourself.
You’re looking for a starting place to begin our journey in Planned Longevity™.
Eventually, we will look at far more sophisticated tests in the Planned Longevity™ technology toolbox. For now, though, just take the test. It’s simple, and it’s free.
Here’s the link: Age Calculator
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Hi Paul, and welcome aboard. The Planned Longevity™ Master Toolbox concept is now a reality. I hope you will enjoy it and add more free healthy years to your life.